Monday, December 25, 2006

The Zimmermann Family Crest

The family tree has begun!

I have started the family tree on If you loose the link or can't find us just look for yourself! Here is the link so click it or...
copy and paste it into your address bar:

Fortunately, I'm the first home person. Jeffrey August Zimmermann if you've forgotten. So look it up and start filling all the info in. I'll keep you all informed as new info comes in like, when did August Joseph Zimmermann I enter Ellis Island from Baden, Bavaria, Germany?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Welcome Zimmermanns and Friends!

It's finally here, the Zimmermann family blog. We have two purposes:

1. To keep everyone up to date on all that is going on in our lives.
2. To seek out and fill in our family tree.

Follow Blogger's instructions and get connected to us...